The reason I started this blog, is because I have a power. I can create snow and ice, with my hands. Like I did here:

That isn't the editing you thought it was... It's my power.
It's an interesting thing, but it's hard. Some days I get mad enough that I want to freeze someone or something. But I can't, and I have to keep this secret away from nine siblings!! My mother is the only one who knows about the power. But I don't talk to her about it. By now you're wondering 'How did Astrid, a half Hawaiian girl, get the powers of ice an snow?' As well as other thoughts. Let me tell you about my past, and how I wound up with this.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young Hawaiian woman. Her and some other ladies were on a boat, sailing from Hawaii to England for a reason not known. But a storm came up, and they got so off course, they crashed into an island far off the coast of Scotland.
The person who ran the island, was a chief, as all the people in the village called him. He was young, just barely a man. He went down to investigate the wrecked ship. As he saw that people were trapped inside, him and some men opened up a door and some people almost tumbled out. The chief stood and watched as nine young women were helped out.
He decided to check in the boat for anything, and as he did, one last Hawaiian woman started to crawl out. He helped her, and after two weeks of being there, they fell in love.
Two years later they were married, and had a baby girl.
That's how I came to be.
Well they had to mix their traditions and names, so they named me; Astrid Lilo Emmaline Overland. It's long I know, I just go by Astrid.
Well, when I was ten years old, I went out exploring the woods of the island. I came across a rather odd waterfall, in a really random place. I had learned by then what water was okay to drink. So I cupped my hands and took a large gulp of the clear water. It was so cold!
A week later, I was playing by myself, and I grabbed the rope swing mother had insisted my father put outside. And it started freezing over. I let go of it, and when I fell back, my hands hit the ground. And that started icing over as well. I was scared, but I told my parents.
Three years later, something happened. And I was sent to Hawaii... To an adoption agency.
Now I'm here, fourteen years old and adopted by my lovely mom here. I'm happy, except I have to keep my powers hidden.
So now you know about my power. Keep checking back here, (I suggest following this blog.) For more posts about me and my secret.